
Mark Swist|March 16, 2012
Comment on PDF – permanent PDF Comment
<?php global $post; // Obtén el ID del post actual $post_id = $post->ID; // Obtén el contenido del post $post_content = get_post_field( 'post_content', $post_id ); // Calcula el tiempo de lectura estimado en minutos y segundos $word_count = str_word_count( strip_tags( $post_content ) ); $reading_time_minutes = floor( $word_count / 200 ); $reading_time_seconds = ceil(($word_count / 200 - $reading_time_minutes) * 60); // Muestra el tiempo de lectura estimado en minutos y segundos echo '<p class="read_time">Reading Time: ' . $reading_time_minutes . ':' . $reading_time_seconds . ' min</p>'; ?>
In the professional environment from time to time we have to comment or place stamps on Adobe PDF documents. In doing so, we add stamps or comments to the pdf…

Mark Swist|March 14, 2012
Twitter 2012 – Twitter Statistics and Facts
<?php global $post; // Obtén el ID del post actual $post_id = $post->ID; // Obtén el contenido del post $post_content = get_post_field( 'post_content', $post_id ); // Calcula el tiempo de lectura estimado en minutos y segundos $word_count = str_word_count( strip_tags( $post_content ) ); $reading_time_minutes = floor( $word_count / 200 ); $reading_time_seconds = ceil(($word_count / 200 - $reading_time_minutes) * 60); // Muestra el tiempo de lectura estimado en minutos y segundos echo '<p class="read_time">Reading Time: ' . $reading_time_minutes . ':' . $reading_time_seconds . ' min</p>'; ?>
There are those of us who refuse to get on a social network and there are those who are on it just because we heard it’s good for business. No…

Mark Swist|March 14, 2012
Facebook and Business – 6 Ways How to Get more likes on Facebook
<?php global $post; // Obtén el ID del post actual $post_id = $post->ID; // Obtén el contenido del post $post_content = get_post_field( 'post_content', $post_id ); // Calcula el tiempo de lectura estimado en minutos y segundos $word_count = str_word_count( strip_tags( $post_content ) ); $reading_time_minutes = floor( $word_count / 200 ); $reading_time_seconds = ceil(($word_count / 200 - $reading_time_minutes) * 60); // Muestra el tiempo de lectura estimado en minutos y segundos echo '<p class="read_time">Reading Time: ' . $reading_time_minutes . ':' . $reading_time_seconds . ' min</p>'; ?>
Facebook and Business goes hand to hand like Bonnie and Clyde those are the best way to streamline your business. The ability to effectively use social networks like Facebook, Linkedin,…