Be Greater, Think Bigger!

One of my Favorite Steve Jobs Quotes
Of course, it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later. Again, you can’t…

Warren Buffet’s Greatest Investment Advice
Doing reasonably well investing in stocks, is very, very easy. Buy an index fund, preferably over time, so you end up owing good businesses at a reasonable average price, and…

Latest WordPress hack Consumer Lifestyles GARCINIA CAMBOGIA 404 Redirect hack
Recently, I accidently went to a wrong page on my web-server that runs WordPress and noticed I was taken to a SPAM page that was not intended to be on my website.…

Statistics on Pinterest Users Infographic
We all want to market our services or potential businesses on Social Networks. However, unless we really look deep into the data and analyze that data, there is a huge…

Steve Jobs quote on life
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let…

Use Instagram to help your business
So there’s this new app that’s out called instagram. Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, the same way they did with Facebook and twitter. Instagram is the new way of…

Clickable Banner for Youtube Channel
Youtube has made it even easier to profit from your videos. They are a leading player in online video profit sharing. If you have applied to become a youtube partner…

Setting up WordPress – Proper WordPress Installation
Setting up Wordpress “the right way”; All you need is the right insight. Many people would like to get into blogging or website development yet the task seems a little…

Comment on PDF – permanent PDF Comment
In the professional environment from time to time we have to comment or place stamps on Adobe PDF documents. In doing so, we add stamps or comments to the pdf…

Setting up Joomla – Website Redirection, (SEO in 3 Minutes)
Most customers I communicate with have no clue about getting a website done for their business. There is one reason why you want a website; to get customers. Many non…

Twitter 2012 – Twitter Statistics and Facts
There are those of us who refuse to get on a social network and there are those who are on it just because we heard it’s good for business. No…

Facebook and Business – 6 Ways How to Get more likes on Facebook
Facebook and Business goes hand to hand like Bonnie and Clyde those are the best way to streamline your business. The ability to effectively use social networks like Facebook, Linkedin,…